Thursday, December 25, 2014

Review - Nabari no Ou Volume 5

I received the complete manga set of Fullmetal Alchemist for Christmas! However, I ran out of space on my shelf. Eep! I'll have to build some new shelves. Anyway, in with the review! Hopefully I'll be reviewing a volume a day from now on. We'll see, though.


The Raimei/Raikou story arc ends with dramatic fashion, and the final chapter leads directly into some new drama. But wow, did the Raimei/Raikou arc wrap up in a heavy way! I'll admit, I actually was really bummed out because of everything that happened in this volume. You know when a story makes you feel stuff inside that it's quality material. And let me tell you: Nabari no Ou has quickly become quality material.

That aside, I do have a small bit of beef with the story. Why exactly are Miharu and Yoite so chummy now? I know about their agreement, but... I dunno. The way that they seem to be attracted (and I hate to use that word, but it fits) just sits wrong with me.
There was also some comedic Gold with Miharu and Gau. I'll have it below.


Better and better. It seems like the art is going to keep improving and getting evermore beautiful. And it's already beautiful, so the final volumes better knock my socks off. There's actually a note from Kamatani herself that explains how she went traveling and got much inspiration from various places, so that was really interesting. But the art is great. Below are a couple of the best examples from this volume.

It's great. However, I have to laugh at this one panel. The background just looks so impossible!

I didn't realize M.C. Escher was a guest artist this volume

 Yen Press does another great job with the presentation. My issue of the spines lining up is gone. This one lines up much better. Too bad volume four is out of alignment. Oh well.


Maaaaan. The characters are really driving this story forward now. There isn't really anyone new or noteworthy that I haven't already talked about, so I'll just go over the three that mattered most this volume. Obviously, it's Raimei, Raikou, and Gau. The back story done on Raimei and Raikou was brilliant. Family discrepancies lead to tragedy here, and that gave us lucky readers some great character moments. And Gau! Oh my gosh! Why?! I hope that he comes back into the story after this arc, but... I'm not holding out much hope. Gau rocks. I need more Gau.

Miharu also had a pretty big character moment right at the end of this volume. I'm interested to see where his decision will lead.

*Note: Accurate emotion at the end of the volume


This volume was really good. Like, really really good. I can't stress enough how great this series is quickly becoming. Plus/Minus below!

+ Emotional finale to a great arc
+ Gau's decision
+ Great character moments

- Still not really sure why Miharu and Yoite have such an attraction for each other

This was a spectacular volume overall. The only thing dragging it down is Miharu and Yoite's weird relationship. I give this volume...


Do it now. Seriously. Nabari is so good.

That's all! I'll be back tomorrow with volume 6 (hopefully)!

(I don't own Nabari no Ou. All rights go to the author, Yuhki Kamatani, and the licensing company, Yen Press).

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